Saturday, December 20, 2008

I thought I should write something about riding

Fetching water
Originally uploaded by PLC.Doctor

Seeing as how I've named this blog "Riding 'bent' in Hanford" I guess I should write something that has to do with riding. Today was such a nice day that we couldn't waste it by not riding our bikes. So I hitched up the BOB trailer to my bike and rode over to our neighborhood water vendor to refill our water bottles while Joanna did some shopping at Rite Aid.

After I dropped off the water and the trailer at the house we rode over to Quiznos for a late lunch. When we rode up there were these cute Electra bikes in the rack. I guess it's true that the shopping center was made for people to walk to or ride bikes like we did. While it was a little on the cool side today the sunshine sure made up for the day. It's nice not to have to deal with the typical overcast that we have this time of year.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

dressing room land mines

dressing room land mines
Originally uploaded by PLC.Doctor

Joanna wanted me to try on some new clothes today so we went to the local major retailer that is not the one you think it is. When I went into the dressing room the floor was covered with these little nasties. You wouldn't want to walk around this room without having shoes on. I spent the first couple of minutes picking up the pins you see on the bench so I could take my shoes off to try on some slacks. After I was done I took the pins to the sales clerk and told her that I found all those on the floor of the dressing room. She sounded concerned and said that they would send someone in to clean up the floor. After looking at the picture again and thinking about it I don't think they are very thorough by the looks of the bent ones and the fact that some of them were embedded in the carpet. With the fact that America is a very litigious country and getting one of these stuck in your foot they would be very careful about making sure the floor was clean. But on the other hand, why do they put so many pins in a shirt that is wrapped in a plastic bag to begin with? I for one don't equate the quality of the shirt to the number of straight pins that are stuck in it.